الاثنين، 23 مايو 2016

InfoSpace created the Dogpile search

InfoSpace created the Dogpile search engine because your time is important to us. Powered by Metasearch technology, Dogpile returns all the best results from leading search engines including Google and Yahoo!, so you find what you’re looking for faster.
Each search engine has its own method of searching and each will return different results. Dogpile looks at all of them, decides which are most relevant to your search, eliminates duplicates and reveals them to you. In the end, you get a list of results more complete than anywhere else on the Web.
The time-saving philosophy of metasearch is so important to us that it even inspired our name! In rugby, players come together and pile on top of one another. This is exactly what Dogpile’s metasearch technology does – it compiles all the best results in one easy-to-access place!

And because every good team needs a loyal mascot, we adopted Arfie. You can find him any time on Dogpile, where he works as a retriever of sorts. When you search the Web on Dogpile, he’s quick to fetch the exact results you want when you want them.

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