السبت، 20 فبراير 2016

AdSense vs Google Ad Exchange

5 reasons to get started with Google Ad Exchange (ADX) / Ezoic

Ezoic is a Google Certified Publishing Partner.  As part of this exclusive program, our system gives you access to Google’s Ad Exchange which, combined with Ezoic’s ad tester and other products, help thousands of publishers take advantage of improved ad income and better usability.  So why try Ezoic / ADX?  What makes it better than AdSense, or using other ad networks?

Here are 5 reasons why you should get started using Ezoic/ADX:

1. No Cost & Easy to sign up.
If you have an AdSense account – it’s easy to apply to ADX via Ezoic.  Once approved by Google – you can immediately start testing with Google Ad Exchange ads!  You can create an Ezoic account for free here.
By signing up to use Google Ad Exchange using Ezoic, you are not committing to anything permanent.  There is no revenue share (Ezoic does not take a revenue share for this access to ADX).  You can stop using Ezoic / ADX at any time and there are no contracts.  Ezoic makes it easy to get started, but also easy to quit too.  We’re so confident that you’ll get value out of this system, we give a 30 day free trial and there after, we charge by showing an Ezoic ad (which the system keeps the money from).  This is in effect a dilutive charge, but because most publishers are making far more using Ezoic vs AdSense, they see the system as essentially paying for itself.
2. Five ads per page (ADX) vs Three ads per page (AdSense). 
Google AdSense program policy restricts  publishers to 3 display ads per page.  If you’re using Ezoic ad tester, you can show up to 5 Google display ads per page.
3. Ad Exchange gives you access to thousands of CPM ad networks (including AdSense!). 
Firstly – it’s important to understand what Google’s ad exchange is.  ADX is Google’s real time bidding environment for your ad inventory.  Each ad is sold in a lightening-fast auction, so you get the best price for every ad you sell via the exchange.  Putting your ads up for auction is a far more efficient method of monetizing ad inventory than the old way of giving all your ads to just one ad network (who would most likely just auction off what they cannot sell themselves anyway).  AdSense is undoubtedly the biggest ad network in the world.  So having AdSense ads compete for each ad impression (against other advertisers), is better than running AdSense on it’s own.  Creating a bidding war for high value users means you get the right price for your ads and don’t miss out.

4. Ezoic’s machine learning system handles ADX optimization for you.  
It’s not enough to just ‘get an account’ and plug ADX into your site.  ADX is a dynamic environment and needs to be managed and optimized continually.  Our proprietary machine learning optimization system with works in unison with ADX and other ad exchanges for display, in-line and native ad types.  Ezoic uses complex pattern recognition algorithms and computational learning to take ADX to the next level.  
Ezoic is all about technology.  We don’t do things manually.  We like to figure out what works and then apply to to all the sites that use our system.  It’s compounding the benefits for everyone.  So we have built systems and methodologies that give you the very best that real time bidding has to offer.  Our system optimizes the auction of each ad on each page – by device – so you don’t have to.  You get all the benefits of Google’s Ad Exchange (ADX), without the effort.
5. Ad Testing –  New ad combinations can increase ad income by 300%!
Having better priced (eCPM) ads from ad exchanges like ADX is only half the story.  You need to continually test combinations of ads on the page and their effect on user experience.  Testing by device size and by ‘session income’ (epmv) to see what works best is best.
Ezoic’s ad tester product does this all for you.  Set up correctly, it will test myriad ‘potential’ ad positions (20-40 on a page, but only ever showing 5 display ads per page maximum) and finding better and better ad combinations for desktop, mobile and tablet.  It’s all about the math – just give the system plenty of ad placements and the opportunities for multiple big wins goes up!  Using Ezoic Ad Tester in combination with ADX will give you the results you’ve been looking for with very little effort.
Why test ad positions?   We could write a whole article just on this point, but it’s all about revenue per visitor.  Many publishers fail to understand that all ads dilute one another.  If you overload a site with too many ads, or with miss the fact that one ad is killing the income of another (higher achieving) ad, you will fail to achieve maximum income from the visitors who come to the site.  Ezoic ad testing technology works out which ads should go where and in what combination.

By combining super-optimized ad exchange ads with and better and better ad combinations per visitor session – Ezoic unlocks the revenue potential of any AdSense site



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